Inhouse Team Vs White Label Team: Which Serves Better?

  • Kevin Oskow
  • June 27, 2019
  • 3 Minute Read
Inhouse Team Vs White Label Team: Which Serves Better?

Over the years, white label services have evolved to grow as an important part of the expansion strategy for many businesses. However, there are many businesses who still tend to rely on their inhouse team and invest in the same.

So, what do you think which serves you better – Inhouse team or white label company? Let us find out here!

1. Adding New Offerings To Your Service Portfolio

When it comes to expanding your business offerings or adding new offerings to your service portfolio, you need to expand your inhouse team. However, hiring new resources for a particular expertise can come heavy on your investments. On the other end, you might be increasing your risk factor, in the case if the expansion plan doesn’t work that well.

On the other end, companies that use outsourcing can readily broaden their service offerings without increasing the overhead cost of setting up a new team. With no extra investment or a new inhouse team, you can expand your business and service offerings at a lower risk factor.

2. Cost of Operations

If we trust the statistics, 59% of businesses switch to outsourcing to cut down on cost. Choosing outsourcing services can help you cut down on some operational costs like-

  • Allowance and ideal time salary benefits to employees
  • Investment in training the in-house resources

On the other end, if the productivity of the outsourcing team is considered with the inhouse team it is generally higher. Companies choose to outsource to places with a lower currency, allowing them to hire skilled resources at a lower investment cost.

3. Meeting Urgent Demands from The Clients

Be it a product-based or service-based business, urgent deliverables and bulk orders is an unavoidable part of every business journey. Here you need to be backed-up well by a dedicated team of resources. An inhouse team can surely provide you support up to some extent, but with the time limitations and limited number of resources your inhouse team might fail to fill the bucket full every time. That is where you need a white label company that can work round the clock to meet your urgent commitments.

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4. Finding The Right Expertise

There might be cases when the expertise required for a particular project or client requirement might exceed the capabilities of your in-house team and here is where outsourcing services come into the picture.

To incorporate the required expertise for your in-house team you might have to invest in new resources or might have to invest in training programs. While, when choosing a white label services partner, you can evaluate the expertise it offers and make your decision accordingly. Outsourcing can help you find the right expertise at no to minimum investment.

5. Coordinated Work Management

One of the main factors why companies show resistance to outsourcing is the inability to work under the same roof, which leads to the fear of faded coordination. While, if you have a well-managed inhouse team, you can easily establish a coordinated project management with a seamless communication channel.

On the other hand, if you go for outsourcing services, you need to be highly particular about the white label company you choose. A professional white label agency partner generally promises you a single point of contact and coordinated project management.

6. Trust Factor and Accountability

Trust and accountability are important factors that make inhouse team the first choice over a white label team. An inhouse team is more accountable towards your projects then an outsourcing company. With this, inhouse team portrays a higher trust factor. While, if you consider outsourcing to a white label company, you need to ask them certain questions like –

  • Will you meet the decided timelines?
  • How sure I can be about the data security?
  • Would we sign the NDA?
  • Do you take the complete accountability of a project submitted to you?

These questions being related to trust and security can help you choose the right outsourcing service provider.

Hiring a white label team is an extension to your in-house team and there are certain tasks that cannot be outsourced, that is where inhouse team is also required. Further, outsourcing adds up as an extra revenue stream to your business and helps you with business expansion and client retention.

What would you choose between an inhouse team and an outsourcing team?

Kevin OskowLinkedin

VP - Client Success
Based in San Diego, Kevin takes ownership of the client success at Uplers as the VP. Along with being an aspiring pianist, a proficient communicator, and a hiking lover, he is highly experienced. With more than 2 decades of proven track record, he can proactively lead your marketing, web development, and client experience teams.