The most reliable data source to know the salary of
Software Developer

Get real-time, verified data on salaries across different levels, roles, skills, experience, and locations. Understand how much you can save with salary market analysis. 

United States Flag

Software developer salary in United States


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India Flag

Software developer salary in India


Graph India



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Market analysis on salaries
for effective hiring

Comparative compensation analysis tool to understand salaries of the same skills in your location vs India. Explore compensation data with in-depth information on experience, curbing margin dues on benefits, insurance and overall costing on hiring.

Compare salaries
United States Flag

United States

Senior Software Engineer

Experience : 5+ years

Salary : $10,200

Mid-level Software Engineer

Experience : 3-5 years

Salary : $8,000

Jr Software Engineer

Experience : 0-3 years

Salary : $3,500

India Flag


Senior Software Engineer

Experience : 5+ years

Salary : $3380

Mid-level Software Engineer

Experience : 3-5 years

Salary : $2400

Jr Software Engineer

Experience : 0-3 years

Salary : $1990

Salaries Dashed BG

Location-wise analysis

Unites States
Location-wise analysis

Beyond salaries

Benefits & Perks analysis
Ajay sing

Don’t stop at analyzing the
salaries- JDPro makes your
hiring process easy

Explore other informative assets like Salary Guide 2024 and JDPro (a JD creation tool) where one can create customized JDs based on their requirements. And, hiring managers receive talent profiles based on their searches from Uplers’ 1M+ AI-screened, pre-vetted talent network.

Explore JDPro

Do the market salary
analysis with confidence

By leveraging analytics and a robust dataset, users gain
unrestricted access to reliable and accurate information.

1M+ Salary data points

1M+ Salary data points

10+ Countries

10+ Countries

100+ Job Skills

100+ Job Skills

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using this Salary Benchmarking Tool?

The Salary Benchmarking tool provides real-time data for accurate market salary comparisons for different job roles, skills, levels, and locations, which will help in making better hiring decisions, informed compensation, improved employee satisfaction, retention, and strategic budgeting.

How does the salary tool work?

To check the salary of tech or digital talent in the salary tool, you can simply type the job title (e.g., PHP developer) in the search bar and hit search. You’ll get not only the salary comparison of the selected role across the globe but also the comparison of other “Expenses Beyond Salaries” like medical insurance, individual insurance, and more

How reliable is the salary information provided?

The salary information provided is highly reliable due to its real-time data collection from diverse sources, regular updates, and comprehensive coverage across various roles, skills, levels, and locations, ensuring accurate and current market comparisons.

What industries does the Uplers Salary Calculator cover?

Uplers’ Salary Calculator covers the salary of almost all types of digital and tech roles including web developers, designers, marketers, and many more.

Can I compare salaries across different countries using the Salary Benchmarking Tool?

Yes, you can compare salaries across different countries using the Salary Benchmarking Tool such as the salaries in the USA, UK, India, Australia, and more.