How Utilising SEO is the Best Way to Reach Millennials

  • Sheryl Jones
  • June 5, 2018
  • 4 Minute Read
How Utilising SEO is the Best Way to Reach Millennials

Millennials are born “web surfers.” Being highly Internet savvy, this digital generation relies on keyword searches to find exactly what they want, and they are set to form 3/4 of the workforce in Australia by 2025. Therefore, targeting marketing efforts to this highly diverse and smart group makes sense, business-wise.

So, what’s different about millennials compared to the boomer generation? No, they don’t have green skin, hollow eyes or bald head. It’s their familiarity with anything digital that sets them apart from the older generations. If a brand is not online, it may as well not exist for the millennials. This is why understanding this zealous, savvy generation that is on-track to become the largest consumer group with great purchasing power is important for marketing professionals. And that is where SEO for millennials comes into the picture.

Why use SEO to reach millennials?

These figures vouch for the ever-rising popularity of Internet searches:

  • More than 90% of online experiences start with a Google search, according to a study.
  • Close to 13 million Australians spend more than 18 hours on the Internet. Google is the most preferred search engine, with 94% of searches carried out on it. Close to 54% use Google Chrome to browse and search.
  • More than 40% of millennials use their smartphones to research products or services, compared to less than 20% of the boomers.

Search engines are the “go-to” places for millennials for almost everything.

  • Millennials are keyword-driven and look for concise, targeted keywords.
  • SEO is the clear choice for brands when it comes to reaching out to millennial customers. 65% of smartphone users look for the most relevant information when carrying out Internet searches, regardless of the brand or company that provides them.
  • SEO for millennials is the best option to promote brand visibility.
  • A higher ranking on search engines provides credibility, trust and improves brand recall.
  • Search engine users convert at a higher rate than social media users. 72% of those who carry out a local search visit the nearby stores, and 61% of searches lead to purchases.

Building effective SEO strategies for millennials

Be here, there and everywhere:

To be found and remembered, you need to be everywhere you can possibly be, and that includes both online and offline platforms. Interact with millennials with SEO content on popular platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, desktop, emails, blogs and more. Research which platform is popular with each age group to plan a better content strategy.

For example, Instagram and Facebook are popular with the youngest of millennials. Studies suggest that these need to be the top two social media platforms when targeting users less than 35 years of age. Studies also show that Twitter requires clever use of short hashtags of keywords, while you can reach more male millennials on LinkedIn.

Achieving top ranks on Google or other search engine pages by default can get you the millennials’ attention, and consistent branding and link building can get your brand website noticed.

Focus on high-quality content:

Being visible is important, but so is the quality of content. Rich content that is integrated with smart SEO will engage millennials. It must be informative and emotive, as research shows most purchasing decisions are based on an emotional connection, not on logic.

What’s more, content cannot be preachy, lengthy or boring – all of these are heavily unpopular with the millennials. Traditional hard sell or push marketing is also a strict no-no. Make sure to create unique content that appeals to their global outlook and liberal views. Generation X and Y, on the other hand, are “civic-minded” and would be more open to cause marketing. Ultimately, you must create content that shares the values your audience can identify with.

Be mobile-friendly:

Smartphones are a way of life for the millennials. They carry out more searches on their mobiles than the boomers ever did. Optimise SEO while building content that is mobile-friendly – it is surely one of the most important SEO tips for millennials.

Focus on voice searches:

Thanks to Siri, Cortana, Echo or Google Home, voice searches are seeing “exceptional growth”, so utilise them. Voice searches require a more casual, conversational approach, rather than the more traditional writing style of typed sentences. Also, because talking is easier than typing, voice search keywords can tend to be lengthier, giving you more scope for content. It is a great SEO trend for millennials, so get a strategy going with a voice search that is built around conversational style phrases.

The bottom line is – smart SEO strategies boost brand visibility and sales. While working on SEO content to target millennials, it is important to recognise what not to do, as well as what you should do. The key to attracting the millennials is to avoid a dictatorial approach, and aim to make the content as personalised as possible.

Sheryl JonesLinkedin

Account Manager
The curious learning kid in Sheryl is what she treasures the most that keeps her growing. She loves to surround herself with digital geeks and address challenges in the dynamic market with unique solutions. As a Sr. Marketing specialist at Uplers, Sheryl offers a helping hand by adding value and striving to attain the mission.

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