Job Scam Alert : Don’t Fall Victim to Fake Job Offers

  • Nayantika Srivastava
  • February 10, 2023
  • < 1 Minute Read
Job Scam Alert : Don’t Fall Victim to Fake Job Offers

Have you received a job offer text out of the blue in the name of Uplers?
Be aware- it’s probably a scam.

Fraudsters are circulating employment-related scams under the name of Uplers on platforms like Telegram, WhatsApp, Emails, Social Media, etc. These scams are designed to trick you into liking or following some posts from celebrities and influencers on false promises of paying them with small gigs. You might get these messages either as a fake staff member working in Uplers or a fake account in the name of our CEO. We are not practicing things of such sort, and activities like these are intended to ask you for money over fake job activities.

Uplers never asks for any joining fee or payment/rewards in any other form for performing the activities as conveyed in these fraudulent messages. Please verify the sources of any such fake communications and avoid partaking in or engaging with them.

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a scam!

If you receive one of these messages:

  • Do not open any links.
  • Do not respond to the sender or provide any personal or financial details.
  • Report it and delete it.

Scammers target everyone. Please report any such scams to us immediately on

Stay safe, and stay alert!
Team Uplers

Nayantika SrivastavaLinkedin

Content Marketer
Nayantika is a content marketer by profession, passionately involved in the promotion and distribution of blogs. When she's not immersed in analyzing market trends and consumer behaviour, you'll find her happily lost in the pages of a book, and gathering inspiration for her next storytelling adventure.

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