About Knit

Founded: 2006
Founded: 2015
Company Size: 29 employees
Company Size: 29 employees
Countries Present: USA
Sector: Market Research
Sector: Market Research
Advertising, Consumer Research & Software
Services: Advertising, Consumer Research & Software
Knit is an end-to-end insights platform combining the power of Quant, Video, and AI to help brands get a quicker and more holistic understanding of their target audience. US startup Knit, in its third funding round, is rapidly shaping customer-centric decision-making of businesses through AI using data from customer insights on their platform. The company is managing big brands like WNBA, NASCAR, Harman International (JBL), and Adobe.


Knit was looking for tech and digital talents with experience in the SaaS industry and know-how of survey platforms to support its market research operations. The business model demanded expertise in data management and user experience.
Knit being a startup is scaling fast and requires talents in quick succession. Initially, they ventured out to get the talents on their own via job portals and social media platforms. They had conducted hundreds of interviews but were pressed for time. Specialization in customer feedback, coupled with market research was a difficult combination to secure locally. Furthermore, they had employed a few freelancers to complete the projects at hand on time and had terrible experiences with the talents.


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Uplers helped to source and bring out the top talent in India, any kind of high-level role requirement in terms of skills is always sourced based on the job description we share. The profiles of highly vetted experts were received within a couple of days. It has been credible in terms of scaling our team out of India.
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- Aneesh Dhawan, Founder, Knit
With Uplers’ massive network of 500,000+ talents across 100+ skill sets, sourcing top talents was not an issue. Uplers’ vetting process helped in identifying 3 deeply vetted profiles for the client to choose from. Knit had commenced with a talent of their choosing, but due to unavoidable circumstances and disagreement with the talent, a quick replacement within 30 days was provided. The opportunity of replacement in 30 days, made the transition smooth and fast.


2 talents were hired for the following profiles
  • UI/UX designer
  • Survey developer
It took only 30 days to complete the hiring requirement, which means a 58% faster hiring cycle. Uplers’ responsiveness during the entire process and the hard work to find the ideal fit for Knit resulted in a successful talent acquisition initiative.
The talents are out-of-box thinkers and have earned accolades from the internal team for their efforts and being fast learners. The talents did not require any hand-holding and were ready to start from the beginning of the journey. The extensive experience of the talents in the market research field resulted in perfect matchmaking.
The constant support and upskilling provided by Uplers through Talent Success Coaches to the talents deployed with Knits have benefitted the startup to scale faster. The account manager is a bridge who has ensured Knits as a company can scale at the pace they want and share insights that can aid in the growth of the organization.
“Kruttika joined our product team as a UI UX designer and has helped us really level up our product game and added to the muscle. The customer experience is on a whole different level.”
- Aneesh Dhawan, Founder, Knit
“Being able to scale my skills in a fast-paced product team globally is a blessing. I work on international projects beyond geographical boundaries in a company as great as Knit. Remote work with Uplers has truly transformed my experience as a talent.”
- Kruttika, deployed talent at Knit
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