About Dentakay logo

Founded: 2009
Founded: 2009
Company Size: 51 - 200
Company Size: 51 - 200
Countries Present: Turkey
Countries Present: Turkey
Sector: Healthcare
Sector: Healthcare
Services: Medical and Cosmetic Dentistry
Services: Medical and Cosmetic Dentistry
Dentakay is a dental clinic founded in 2009 by Dr. Gülay Akay. The clinic is committed to providing patients with the highest quality dental care in a safe and comfortable environment. They offer a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and implant dentistry.
Dentakay is known for its excellent customer service and satisfaction. The clinic has employed some of the top dentists in Europe and uses the latest technology to ensure that the patients receive the best possible care.
In recent years, Dentakay has expanded its reach by opening branches in Istanbul and Antalya. The clinic has also become a popular destination for patients from around the world. They remain committed to providing patients with the smile of their dreams, and have a proven track record of success.


Dentakay was looking for a Google Ads Specialist who could add value to their digital marketing team. They wanted a proven expert who could leverage Google to drive more traffic and engagement from their target audience, and oversee ad campaigns. Dentakay contacted several hiring agencies but were left unimpressed by the delayed response and inability to source the right talent. They needed a reliable hiring expert who could identify, vet, and onboard the perfect candidate within a short hiring cycle.


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Uplers earned our trust by listening to our problems and finding the perfect talent for our organization.
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Barış Ağaçdan - Director of Dentakay Dental Clinic
Uplers scheduled a discovery call as soon as receiving Dentakay’s query for Indian talents. Finding the right talent was a breeze, thanks to Uplers’ network of 500,000+ talents who were prevetted for technical proficiency, strong communication, and global readiness. Uplers also ensured the right candidates were aligned with Dentakay’s work culture for a smooth onboarding. The quick turnaround time, the massive talent pool, and the comprehensive vetting process of Uplers made it easy for Dentakay to hire and onboard their talent within days.


1 talent was hired for the following profile:
  • Google Ads Specialist
Dentakay appreciates the hard work and passion of Uplers’ certified talent. The talent was able to seamlessly fit into Dentakay’s culture and continues to display hard work and passion.
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