Top 10 News & Media Portals Built on WordPress

  • Aayush Gupta
  • April 17, 2017
  • 4 Minute Read
Top 10 News & Media Portals Built on WordPress

WordPress portals are widely adopted for News & Media Portals  to accommodate their news publishing requirement. Having a powerful CMS will fuel your website and it’s a catch if you are not well-versed with the technical stuff, want to update frequently and easily, want to be in control of everything and allot various tasks to various team members.

WordPress is a free and immensely popular CMS that powers 27% of the entire web. WordPress is meant to be the best choice for content management system if your website is the kind that needs regular updates other than being one that could be easily operated. Now, the kind of websites that frequently need to be updated are the News and Media portals that receive updates by the hour.

Given below is a list of famous News & Media portals that have chosen WordPress as their content management system.

1. The New Yorker

WordPress Portals - The New Yorker

The New Yorker is one of the most popular magazine that covers various sections, bound to be interesting to people, like News, Culture, Books, Business and Technology, Humor and Cartoons. This website has scores of stories, news and articles and attracts web traffic in a heavy amount on a daily basis.

2. VentureBeat

WordPress Portals - VentureBeat

VentureBeat is a technology website that provides detailed and useful information on technological news, analysis, interviews and publishes newsletters and holds webinars as well. This beautifully built website caters to audience of different communities and is one of the most referred to websites for news related to technology updates.

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3. BBC America

WordPress Portals - BBC America

BBC America is a digital cable and satellite television network that was launched a little before two decades ago and showcases various shows based on humor, drama and lifestyle. It’s no breaking news that BBC America is one the most popular channels and attracts heavy traffic by the second.

 4. Reader’s Digest

WordPress Portals - Reader’s Digest

Reader’s Digest is a family magazine that’s published ten times on a yearly basis. It was founded 95 years ago and is still one of the most read magazines worldwide. Built in a simple and basic way, this website attracts traffic in hordes and is a good example of owning a basic website and yet gaining popularity.

5. The Next Web

WordPress Portals - The Next Web

The Next Web is again a technology based website that caters to the community dealing with core technology, keeps them posted about the latest trends and is one of the most sought after website whenever a person faces issues related to technology.

6. Smashing Magazine

WordPress Portals - Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is a website and an eBook publisher that caters to the designer and developer community. It was founded a decade back and is a really good spot to find articles on web design and development, graphic design and user experience in abundance.


WordPress Portals -

This weekly news magazine dates back to 1923 and is the world’s most circulated news magazine with a readership of 26 million out of which 20 million readers reside in USA. The Time magazine is yet another inspiring example of websites built on WordPress CMS.

8. MTV Movies Blog

WordPress Portals - MTV Movies Blog

MTV Movies Blog is an engaging website that is not only incalculably popular but is also pretty famous for all those blogs it writes, encompassing the detailed synopsis of any particular movie. Built in a catchy manner, this website attracts traffic in huge numbers.

9. Facebook Newsroom

WordPress Portals - Facebook Newsroom

Facebook is one of the top popular Social Media website that provides various features that hold the power to attract anyone. The Facebook Newsroom is a website that deals with putting out news related to all kinds of changes and updates made in Facebook and this is undoubtedly the first place people throng to, to know more about Facebook updates.

10. San Francisco Examiner

WordPress Portals - San Francisco Examiner

San Francisco Examiner is a newspaper distributed in and around the city of Sans Francisco in California. This newspaper is one of the most read ones in the city of San Francisco and this sleek website attracts traffic by hordes.

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Aayush GuptaLinkedin

Associate Director - Brand Marketing
A creative mind and a sharp eye for detail. He blends logic, storytelling, and data-driven insights to build impactful campaigns that connect with people. Known for his energy and fresh ideas, Aayush turns bold strategies into memorable brand success stories.