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Recently added Java Developers in our Network

Exp. 2.7 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Java Fullstack Developer and Trainer
Exp. 1Year
Syed Yousuf B
Arpit Saini
Mongo DB
Mongo DB
Spring Boot
Spring Boot
Exp. 10 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Biswajit Das
Senior Java Developer
Project management
Project management
Exp. 2 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Ganji Bharath Kumar
Full Stack Java Developer
Spring MVC
Exp. 0Year
Syed Yousuf B
Joshua Vankayalapati
Java Full Stack Developer
Exp. 9 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Kailash Karki
Spring Boot
Exp. 9 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Exp. 11 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Kiran D
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Exp. 12 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Murtaza Ghadiali
Senior Java cum Liferay Developer
Spring Boot
Exp. 12 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Nitesh Jain
Java developer
WebFlux (Spring Java)
Spring WebFlux
Exp. 6 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Nivedha P
Senior Java Developer
Exp. 4 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Olivia Dsouza
Java Software Developer
Exp. 7 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Shubham Shukla
Full Stack Java Developer
Spring Boot
Exp. 3 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Sukesh Chakraborty
Java Developer
Exp. 7 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Sukhminder Arora

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Wilco van Duinkerken - ScaleForce

Wilco van Duinkerken

SaaS Chief Technology, ScaleForce

Venus Wills

Senior Director of Demand Execution, Tanium
Chris Wight - Directive Consulting
Directive Consulting
Directive Consulting

Chris Wight

Associate Director, Directive Consulting
Linda Farr - Incubeta

Linda Farr

Chief of Staff , Incubeta
Aneesh dhawan

Aneesh Dhawan

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Barış Ağaçdan

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  1. Questions to ask when interviewing a Java developer black arrow right

    Without a solid and thought-out back-end program, the user side is set up for failure. And, of course, you can’t do the back end better than with Java. What skills to look for when hiring a Java developer?

    When hiring a Java developer, you need to find someone who thinks quickly on their feet when it comes to Java development. Java is an object-oriented language. So the Java developer should know the principles well. They should also learn how to apply them when programming.

    Hire Java developers who have a grip over the complete Java ecosystem. This includes the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the Java Development Kit (JDK), and the Java Runtime Environment.

    They should also be familiar with Java-based web services for better software development.

    If you’re hiring a senior java developer, then the ability to write optimized and clean code is paramount. Hire dedicated Java programmers who have a good understanding of multithreading and synchronization.

    Technical skills are vital for top Java programmers. Here are some questions you can ask to test the technical knowledge of Java developers.

    Top 5 technical questions to ask when you hire Java Web Developers

    • 1

      How does Java enable high performance?

      Expect something like:

      This is one of the best questions to ask dedicated Java developers. The Just-in-Time compilation enables high performance in Java. The JIT compiler compiles codes with similar functionality, reducing the total time.

      It's a good sign if your candidate is further able to explain Java bytecode and how JIT works to compile that into native machine code.

    • 3

      Explain the OOPs concepts.

      Expect the following:

      Object-oriented programming aims to implement real-world entities like inheritance and polymorphism that Java developers must be well aware of. The main aim of OOP is to combine a piece of data and the function that relies on this data. This is so that no other part of the code can access this data.

      For this question, hire Java developers who have an understanding of the topic and not just the textbook answer. They should know that Java is based on OOP to improve code readability and reusability.

      Further, you should expect a brief explanation of the 6 concepts of Java development which are:

      • Object
      • Class
      • Abstraction
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
      • Encapsulation
    • 3

      What makes Java a Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) program?

      The ideal answer for Java developers should be:

      JVM is the reason why Java is a WORA program. In Java, the program is converted to bytecode rather than code understood by the Hardware. The bytecode can be run on any machine with JVM, making it a WORA language.

      Here, you can also expect the Java programmer to explain why languages like C and C++ aren’t WORA programs in Java development.

    • 4

      What are the differences between Interface and Abstract Class?

      This is a question appropriate if you’re interviewing senior Java developers.

      Before explaining the differences, your Java programming candidate should start by explaining what Interface and Abstract classes are. It can be a brief answer as simple as the following:

      The interface is a blueprint used to implement a class. The interface does not contain any concrete methods that have codes.

      The abstract allows you to create blueprints for concrete classes. An abstract class should have at least one abstract method. But it can also contain concrete methods.

      Some key differences between the abstract class and interface class are that interface is slow while the abstract is fast. In the interface, you can’t define any fields. But in the abstract, you can define fields and constants.

      There are also different places where both classes should be implemented. If the candidate is able to tell you where to implement which class, it signifies that they have an understanding of the classes.

      You can also ask the candidate for a sample code for both the interface and abstract class.

    • 5

      Can you explain Method Overriding in Java?

      Overriding is a feature allowing a subclass to provide an implementation that’s already provided by a super-class. When hiring a dedicated Java Programmer, they should be able to tie this answer back to Run Time Polymorphism.

      But a command over just the technical side of things isn’t enough. In fact, when you hire Java programmers, make it a point to test their problem-solving skills. You can ask Java developers these 5 exploratory questions.

    5 Exploratory questions to ask when hiring Java developers.

    • 1

      What would you say is the best Java program you’ve worked on? Explain it in detail.

      This question tests the impressions the candidate has on themselves. It’s easier to get a programmer to talk about their success than their failure. So you can expect an in-depth answer.

      Also, with the functionalities of the program they’ve worked on, you can test how skilled the Java developer is.

    • 2

      Do you have any professional experience apart from Java that helped you excel in this industry?

      If the candidate has worked on only Java since the beginning of their career, that’s okay. But if they’ve not, it’s a good idea to get an understanding of their previous experiences.

      And if Java developers can tie past professional knowledge into their current industry, it’s a good indication that they can adapt to new methods and even programming languages if required.

    • 3

      Was your Undergraduate Major relevant to this position?

      It so often happens that a candidate’s major doesn’t match the job they’ve applied for. This is acceptable as long as they have relevant experience. But it’s a good idea to know why they chose a major and then jumped ship.

      Further, if the major is too far off from Java, you can suggest and ensure they take relevant courses to have the best Java subject knowledge.

    • 4

      Do you prefer front-end or back-end development? Explain why.

      Java is a program meant for back-end web application development. But a full-stack Java developer should be able to do both. And if a Java developer prefers front-end development, you can tell they’ll be good at both.

      Basic knowledge of UI/UX designing is mandatory if you’re hiring a full-stack Java developer.

    • 5

      When working in a team, what is the role you tend to take?

      The answer to this question will tell you if you’re hiring a leader or a follower. This is useful if the role you’re hiring for has potential for growth.

  2. How to Pick the Right Java Developer for Your Remote Team black arrow right

    In the evolving digital era and interconnected world, businesses are looking for distinct ways to expand their talent pool. Geographical hiring restrictions can provide only so much flexibility in your hiring funnel. Remote recruitment opens the door to fresh perspectives, cultural diversity, and varying degrees of experience and skill set.

    When you are looking to hire Java developers in a market faced with a severe talent crunch and a widening talent gap, you must opt for remote teams. It can be challenging to find the right candidate but not if you employ the correct strategy. The following tips can offer a rewarding hiring experience:

    • 1

      Draft your requirements

      The elementary step in the remote hiring funnel for an effortless experience is to pen down your requirements. This means clearly outlining the specific skills, experience, qualifications, and other expectations. Consider your project scope, industry nature, long-term goals, and technology stack, and then state the job roles, responsibilities, and level of expertise needed. This will lay the foundation to guide your hiring process.

    • 2

      Conduct skills assessment

      Java is a diverse and highly competitive field that is evolving rapidly. To match the pace the developers must have top-notch technical proficiency with competitive soft skills. To ensure that they have the necessary skills to meet your project needs conduct a skills assessment.

      Evaluate their prowess in Java fundamentals, it’s frameworks, and related technologies like databases and web development. Additionally, exceptional communication skills, teamwork spirit, meticulous attention to detail, and organizational power are some of the vital soft skills.

    • 3

      Evaluate work portfolio and references

      Don’t go blindfolded by what’s reflected on the resume of the Java developers. Always verify the truthfulness of the resume claims by conducting work portfolio evaluation, background and reference checks, gathering employer reviews, and reviewing client testimonials. All these can turn out to be valuable resources offering you insight into the developer’s work quality, commitment, professionalism, coding style and experience, and overall suitability for the position.

    • 4

      Adaptability and problem-solving approach

      Web development especially with Java is a rapidly evolving niche. To succeed and steer ahead of your industry rivals you must have a fine-rated workforce. The developers must be able to adapt to the changing market dynamics and offer instantaneous solutions to issues that arise. Remote work comes with an increasing requirement for self-reliance which is why developers must have strong problem-solving and decision-making power.

    • 5

      Evaluate their working style

      Remote developers should be operating in a conducive work environment that allows them to be focused and productive. Therefore, you must inquire about their work-from-home office setup, internet stability, tools repository, etc. Ensure that their working pattern aligns with your industry standards and company’s practices.

    • 6

      Test their cultural alignment

      Consider the cultural alignment of the developers with your company culture, values, mission, and working style. Remote team members should share their goals to foster a collaborative work environment that works seamlessly towards goal attainment.

    If you want to free yourself from this hiring hassle, you can simply appoint Uplers as your one-stop hiring partner. For over a decade, Uplers has been serving 7000+ notable brands with the top 3.5% of pre-vetted Indian remote talent. This talent network matchmakes qualified candidate profiles in less than 2 weeks at up to 40% cost-savings. It has a 4-step rigorous vetting process to address your hiring needs effortlessly. For more details head over to Uplers website and build your strong remote Java developer team.

  3. Hire Java Developers for Robust API Integration and Secure Custom Advancements black arrow right

    Java continues to have a dauntless and sturdy presence in the realm of software development with its robust, reliable, secure, and scalable interface. Java can be used to unlock a world of opportunities if it’s leveraged in the right manner. To do so, you need to hire Java developers who can optimally utilize the language to harness its full potential.

    From API integration to custom software development, Java developers can craft and tailor solutions to address your specific business needs. Some key areas where Java developers competence can help you excel are:

    • 1

      Java software development

      Java's adaptability makes it an ideal pick for a wide range of software development tasks, including enterprise applications, online services, and desktop applications. Java developers use the language's object-oriented programming paradigm and a diverse ecosystem of libraries and frameworks to create robust and scalable software solutions.

      Whether you're developing a customer relationship management (CRM) system, inventory management software, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, having Java developers on board can provide reliable and secure software that is tailored to your requirements.

    • 2

      Java API integration

      Java engineers excel at integrating APIs into existing systems, allowing for easy communication between various software components. Whether you need to integrate third-party APIs for payment processing, social media integration, or data analytics, Java developers can ensure seamless integration and interoperability.

      Developers with expertise in Java frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate can create powerful, scalable APIs that fit your business needs.

    • 3

      Custom Java development

      Java's flexibility enables developers to create customized solutions that address your specific business concerns. Whether you require a custom e-commerce platform, workflow automation system, or data analytics tool, hiring Java developers can be your best resort.

      Using Java's rich capabilities and large libraries, developers can create innovative software solutions that promote innovation and corporate growth.

    • 4

      Java CMS development

      Content management systems (CMS) are vital for firms that want to manage and produce digital content efficiently. Java developers specialize in creating custom CMS solutions that are tailored to your organization's requirements.

      Whether you require a basic blogging platform or a comprehensive enterprise content management system, Java developers can create scalable and adaptable CMS solutions with frameworks such as Apache Jackrabbit and Magnolia CMS.

    • 5

      Java mobile app development

      Java remains a popular choice for mobile app development due to its cross-platform compatibility and performance. Java developers may create feature-rich, high-performance mobile apps for Android devices utilizing frameworks such as the Android SDK and Kotlin.

      Whether you're developing a consumer-facing app, a corporate mobility solution, or a mobile game, Java developers can create compelling and intuitive mobile experiences that consumers will resonate with.

    • 6

      Java microservices architecture

      The popularity of microservices architecture in software development stems from its potential to improve scalability, flexibility, and maintainability. Java developers specialize in creating microservice-based architectures with frameworks such as Spring Boot and MicroProfile.

      Developers can enhance agility and accelerate development cycles by breaking down monolithic apps into smaller, independent services, allowing organizations to innovate and react to evolving market needs and trends.

    • 6

      Java web app development

      Java's popularity extends to web development, where developers use frameworks such as Spring Boot and JavaServer Faces (JSF) to create scalable and secure web apps.

      Java developers excel at creating dynamic web apps with engaging user experiences and robust functionality. Whether you require an e-commerce platform, a social networking site, or a company analytics dashboard, Java developers can construct web apps that match your needs.

    Therefore, there are numerous benefits to choosing to hire Java developers for the development of robust software solutions. Their expertise and innovation can ensure the delivery of high-performance solutions that drive business success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Uplers vet Java developers?

We at Uplers follow an aggressive vetting process including sourcing, aptitude test, technical test, PI, and final call to ensure that you get Java developers that can meet your company's cultural and technical needs.

How long does it take to hire Java Programmers from Uplers?

Hiring a Java Programmer from Uplers can take two to four weeks. It is subjective to your requirements and time window.

What is the cost of hiring a Java developer through Uplers?

The cost of hiring a Java developer through Uplers depends on your business needs. Usually, our charges starts from $1500, which is again dependent on multiple factors.

What are the skills required for a Java Developer?

The skills you must look for while hiring a Java Developer include proficiency with JSP and Servlets, web frameworks (Struts and Spring), OOP Concepts, Markup Languages, JVM, and memory management.

Do you have a trial period for hiring a Java developer?

Yes, our team understands what it takes to find a good fit for the job. Therefore, we provide a 14-day trial period for the candidate you shortlist.

How does our transparent pricing model work?

Our transparent pricing model provides a clear breakdown of costs, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for. We eliminate hidden fees and offer customizable solutions tailored to your needs.