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Recently added ReactJS Developers in our Network

Exp. 3.2 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Amit Suman
React Developer
React Js
React Js
Exp. 3 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Ashwin Biju
React Js
React Js
Exp. 6 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Brijesh Vegada
Senior React Developer
React Js
React Js
Node Js
Node Js
Mongo DB
Exp. 5 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Mohd Maroof
React Js
React Js
Exp. 5 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Namit Dhupar
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React Js
Exp. 8 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Neil Doshi
React Js
React Js
Exp. 5 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Pradeep kumar
React Js Developer
Exp. 3 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Rahul Dubey
React Developer
React Js
React Js
Exp. 4 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Rajesh Mishra
React Js
React Js
Exp. 3 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Sameer Ajmani
React Js
Node Js
Mongo DB
Express Js
Exp. 4.6 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Swetha Dhandu
React JS Frontend Developer
React Js
React Js
Exp. 8 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Varun punyapu
IT Operations Management
Exp. 8 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Vipul Patil
Senior ReactJs Developer
React Js
React Js
Exp. 3 Years
Syed Yousuf B
Vishal Patel
React JS Developer | Angular Developer | Front end Developer
React Js

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that provides fair & transparent pricing, when hiring from India.

Hire a contractor

Ideal when you want to hire independent professionals, with limited compliance.

Talent Pay

Starts from $2000 monthly

$12.5/hr | 40/hrs per week
Min. 3 months Contract
Platform Fee
35% monthly of talent's pay
Starting from



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Uplers payroll

Full-time Employment, without the hassle of payroll management.

Talent Salary

Starts from $1500 monthly

$18,000/yr | 40/hrs per week
Platform Fee
35% monthly of talent's salary
Starting from



Direct-hire on your

Perfect when you want to hire and manage payroll on your own.

Talent Salary

Starts from $1500 monthly

$18,000/yr | 40/hrs per week
Platform Fee
10% one-time of annual salary

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  • Meet Top Talent

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  • Interview

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  • Confidence Hire

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Top Clients Reviews

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Barış Ağaçdan

Director of Dentakay Dental Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of hiring a remote ReactJS developer?

The cost of hiring a ReactJS developer from Uplers starts at $1500. The number varies depending on the experience level of the developer as well as your requirements.

How do I hire React developers through Uplers?

With Uplers, you can hire ReactJS developers in a streamlined process. Here is a stepwise process of how to do it:

Step 1: Share your requirement

Step 2: Meet the top suitable Angular developers within 2 days

Step 3: Get an interview arranged by Uplers

Step 4: Hire the right talent & let us take care of onboarding formalities

What if I am not satisfied with the hired ReactJS Developer?

For such rare and exceptional cases, Uplers has a 30-day replacement policy at no extra cost and lifetime validity. We ensure that a suitable and better match talent joins your team within those 30 days.

How are Uplers’ React.js developers different?

Uplers provides you with talents that are pre-vetted and have been through the course of a multifaceted evaluation process. They go through the following stages:

  • Experience and qualification screening
  • Language proficiency
  • Aptitude evaluation
  • Technical skill assessment
  • Panel interview

Will the hired React resources work according to my time zone?

Yes, our developers can work according to your time zone, offering you the flexibility you need for effective collaboration.

How does ReactJS differ from React Native?

ReactJS is primarily used for building interactive web applications, focusing on reusable UI components for websites. React Native, in contrast, is designed for creating mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS. Both are JavaScript libraries but are optimized for different platforms - ReactJS for the web and React Native for mobile.

Can I hire React.js developers in less than 48 hours through Uplers?

Yes, you can meet the most suitable ReactJS developers in less than 48 hours through Uplers. Once you finalize one of them, Uplers takes care of the entire hiring process and onboarding formalities typically within 2-4 weeks depending on your requirements and decision-making time.

How long will it take to share the suitable candidate profiles of React developers?

Uplers will present you with 3 to 5 profiles of the most suitable candidates within 24 to 48 hours after you raise a hiring request. Then, you may pick the candidate that resonates the most with your needs and your vision.

How does our transparent pricing model work?

Our transparent pricing model provides a clear breakdown of costs, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for. We eliminate hidden fees and offer customizable solutions tailored to your needs.

Know Everything About Finding and Hiring ReactJS Developers arrow
Hiring ReactJS developers is a crucial task. The demand for this profile is on the rise and hence, now is the time to hire the best candidates before they all vanish from the market! This guide will help you in your journey of finding the right developer for your needs. So let’s start!
  1. Skills to Look for While Hiring a ReactJS Developer
    Your needs determine the skill sets you want to have on board. Thus, it is paramount that you know what are the skills to look for when hiring ReactJS developers. Let’s take a look at some of them below:
    1) Proficiency in JavaScript and JSX
    Since ReactJS is a JavaScript library, having a strong foundational knowledge in both these languages is crucial.
    2) Understanding of React Tools:
    Redux, Flux, and React Router knowledge cam prove to be a huge plus.
    3) Component Lifecycle:
    Understanding mounting order and lifecycle techniques is significant.
    4) Performance Tuning:
    Expertise in fine-tuning components for performance optimization across all platforms and browsers.
    5) Testing and Debugging:
    Ability to make the most out of tools like Jest, Enzyme, and the React testing library.
  2. How Are Uplers' ReactJS Developers Different?
    Only the top 3.5% ReactJS developers make it to Uplers' final talent pool. We have a multi-layered, stringent vetting process to ensure to ensure the highest quality of all-round screening, which helps us find the best matches based on various requirements. But what sets the developers from Uplers apart? Let's find out here:
    1) Continuous Learning:
    Our developers always stay on top of the latest trends and insights in ReactJS development.
    2) Hands-on Experience:
    They carry a vast experience from diverse projects and hence, bring versatility along.
    3) Client-Centric Approach:
    Our developers put the client's needs before anything else. They ensure custom-made solutions for each client and each problem.
    4) Collaborative Spirit:
    They seamlessly integrate with your existing team, ensuring smooth project execution.
  3. How to Write an Effective Job Description for Hiring a Suitable ReactJS Developer?
    A well-crafted job description can attract the right talent. Here's a guide:
    Job Title: "Senior ReactJS Developer" is preferred more than just "Developer."
    Roles and Responsibilities: Be very clear about your expectations from the candidate. To ensure the right skill set, provide some tasks to the shortlisted candidates. You can ask them to design specific features or optimize key components.
    Skills and Qualifications: Make a list of the necessary and desired skills.
    Experience: List your total years of experience and the specific area in which you want your new role to be
    Company Culture: Show them, don't tell them, about the culture and working environment of your company. This can play a vital role in the decision-making process.
    Here's a sample job description based on the provided guide:
    Job Title: Senior ReactJS Developer
    Company: [Your Company Name]
    Location: [City, State] or Remote
    About Us:
    At [Your Company Name], we are proud to be [certain achievements or features, e.g., "delivering innovative web solutions that drive business growth"]. Our team is passionate, cohesive, and committed to excellence. We value [specific aspects of company culture, e.g., "innovation, continuous learning, and a results-driven approach"].
    Role Overview:
    As a Senior ReactJS Developer, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the digital face of our brand, ensuring a seamless and dynamic user experience.
    Roles and Responsibilities:
    - Develop new user-facing features using ReactJS.
    - Build and maintain reusable code and libraries for future use.
    - Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
    - Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability.
    - Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders to achieve project objectives.
    Skills and Qualifications:
    - Strong proficiency in JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and the JavaScript object model.
    - Thorough understanding of ReactJS and its core principles.
    - Experience with popular ReactJS workflows (such as Flux or Redux).
    - Familiarity with RESTful APIs and modern authorization mechanisms.
    - Knowledge of modern front-end build pipelines and tools.
    Minimum of 4 years of experience in ReactJS development. Previous experience in [specific industry, e.g., "e-commerce or finance"] would be a plus.
    Company Culture:
    At [Your Company Name], we believe in [specific cultural aspects, e.g., "fostering creativity, encouraging continuous learning, and celebrating every milestone as a team"]. We offer a dynamic, inclusive environment where every individual's contribution is valued.
  4. Interview Questions to Hire Top ReactJS Developers
    Technical Questions:
    1) What are the differences between class components and functional components in React?
    Class components are defined with ES6 classes. They usually have a render method and lifecycle methods. They can hold local state and lifecycle logic. Functional components on the other hand are much simpler and are defined using plain JavaScript function that return JSX. As hooks come into the equation, the functional components can also hold state and side effects now.
    2) Can you explain the significance of keys in React?
    When rendering lists, keys become crucial. They help React determine the items in the list that have changed, been added or taken out. Due to this, the virtual DOM can be updated and synced with real DOM efficiently. It can help optimize the overall performance.
    3) How would you handle asynchronous operations in React?
    When features like async/await combined with React's lifecycle methods or hooks (especially useEffect hook) are used, asynchronous operations can be managed well. This can ensure that the UI is always responsive and the data flow is remains seamless.
    4) Describe the difference between a controlled component and an uncontrolled component.
    React is in charge of the element's state and its value is controlled by React as well. For that, the component's state and function are used to get accurate data. In case of an uncontrolled component, it lets the DOM handle the element's value. This doesn't let React know about its state unless a ref is used to do so.
    Scenario-based Questions:
    1) Imagine a user-facing feature is causing a performance lag. How would you diagnose and solve the issue?
    Utilizing React's built-in DevTools to identify performance issues can be a good idea. After diagnosing the problematic component or logic, memorization, lazy loading or splitting components can be optimized and it can resolve the performance issues.
    2) Describe a situation where you had to integrate a third-party library in a React application. How did you ensure it didn't conflict with existing features?
    Isolating the implementation of a third-party library integration is quite crucial. It has to be tested for various interactions in different scenarios. A thorough check for identifying compatibility issues with existing features is necessary to ensure proper error management and smooth integration.
    3) How would you handle a situation where a particular component update is causing a ripple effect, leading to unwanted updates in other parts of the UI?
    In such situations, using React's PureComponent or the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method seems to be a good idea. These tools can take care of unnecessary re-renders and allow only the necessary components to be updated. It can help preserve performance and increase UI consistency.
    Past Projects:
    1) Can you discuss a challenging problem you encountered in a past project and how you overcame it?
    In one of the past projects, there was a critical challenge that we encountered regarding state management. The application was growing in complexity and hence, the challenges became more complex as well. We sat together and after considering all opinions, landed on a solution that proved effective. We decided to integrate a state management tool (Redux), which gave us a centralized store and a streamlined data flow. That's how we were able to establish consistency across the entire application.
    2) Describe a project where you had to work closely with backend developers. How did you ensure smooth collaboration?
    Clarity of communication matters the most while working with the team on a collaborative project. Making full use of tools like Postman for API testing, maintaining comprehensive documentation and regular sync-up meetings can make sure that all team members are on the same page.
    Soft Skills:
    1) How do you handle feedback, especially if it involves revisiting a lot of your code?
    Feedback, when handled constructively can be a great opportunity for growth and improvement. After receiving feedback, an understanding of the concerns through mutual discussion can prove to be very helpful. There is no harm in gaining new perspectives and insight from individuals of the team and making necessary edits to the code. In fact, such constructive process can ultimately help make the product better.
    2) Describe a situation when you were in disagreement with a team member. How did you resolve it?
    When in disagreement, having an open dialogue is the best way to deal with it. By sharing and understanding different perspectives. A mutual agreement can be attained by keeping the core goal of the project in mind while respecting individual opinions.