AdWords Vs Facebook – Who is the Actual Hero for Real Estate Industry?
- Majid Ali
- November 22, 2017
- 2 Minute Read

Choosing the best real estate digital marketing channel for your business is difficult, especially if you are not familiar with online marketing. If you’re confused whether to go for Google AdWords services for real estate or to choose real estate Facebooks Ads as your prefered option. This article will help you decide which option is better for your business.
A recent study has found that 86% of potential buyers in Australia use the internet to search for property. Therefore, it is crucial for real estate businesses to have a strong online presence. But which real estate digital marketing platform will be most beneficial for your domestic real estate market?
Our experience with clients and multiple real estate digital marketing platforms tell us that social media, especially Facebook Ads for real estate, are the ideal lead generating platform for this industry.
1.37 billion people log onto Facebook daily, and the average Facebook user spends at least 20 minutes of their day on the platform. Facebook stands out as one of the most potentially beneficial online marketing channels for your real estate business – here’s why!
1. The Right Customer Base
Google and other search engines fail to provide you with a detailed personal profile of users. Facebook, however, gives you a clear insight into potential customers. Because the likes and dislikes of Facebook users are so transparent, Facebook allows you to select your target customer base according to personal data.
2. Cost-efficiency
A real estate Facebook Ad campaign is more affordable in comparison to a Google AdWords campaign. We conducted two similar campaigns on both Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, with our budget ratio at 3:1 respectively. After one month, the leads from both campaigns were 10:88. 88 Facebook users had filled out our form, as opposed to the mere 10 users we gained via Google AdWords. Facebook Ad campaigns usually have a lower cost-per-click ratio than Google AdWords.
3. Demographic Targeting
Google and Facebook both offer demographic targeting – looking at factors such as age, gender and location. But Facebook takes a more precise approach. This is because Facebook has greater access to a user’s personal information – like education, hobbies and marital status. The demographic targeting on Google, however, is based on user information gathered from other Google enterprises like Google Plus, Gmail or Google Chrome. Facebook has the edge when it comes to accuracy targeting a demographic.
4. Better Return On Investment
Facebook provides you with a greater insight into the user’s interests than Google AdWords. Google AdWords operates using search trends, and therefore it has a lower customer reach in comparison to Facebook. Facebook subsequently offers a higher return on investment when compared to Google AdWords.
Are you ready to boost the sales of your real estate business through targeted Facebook advertising?
To find out more about Online Marketing for your business, connect with us.

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