How These 15 Digital Marketing Agencies Have Changed Their Messaging In Response To COVID-19
- Aayush Gupta
- May 2, 2020
- 10 Minute Read

While every media and every other genius on the planet is talking about the world being pinned down by the wrath of Coronavirus – there are people who are applauding every form of human gesture made to combat the intensity of it. Well, this is not the monotonous COVID-19 article. We have compiled an insightful article pitching COVID-19 impact on Digital Marketing Agencies and how boldly have they responded to it.
Be it embracing Work from Home setup, influencing employer branding, maintaining employee morale, changing marketing trends to reinforcing solutions – we are being hunted by uncertainties. But some facts state that these parameters have given rise to more satisfied employees, higher retention rate, and low overhead costs.
How? Are we talking about Marvel Superheroes? Or magical creatures right out of the Hogwarts School? Well, the answer is both No and Yes. No not from Marvel or Hogwarts but yes, they are no less than superheroes or magical creatures who are winning BIG.
In the current times of crises where even digital marketing sharks took a backseat for a moment to rethink about best retention strategies – numerous Digital Marketing agencies have made customer management and employee management sound like a piece of cake. So, the question is what do digital marketing agencies do to improve digital marketing goals?
Here’s our run-down to 15 Digital Marketing superheroes who have batten down the hatches in re-inventing business retention strategies.
1. DEG Digital
Respecting their clients’ needs and thriving to make their marketing-dreams true, DEG Digital has dived into the HOWs of Digital World since 1999. These guys have created a dedicated page for COVID 19 with a thought leadership. It’s more of a repository including hacks, practices and tactics to change the way content and strategies can be pitched. They have created valuable content on media strategies, driving brand engagement through social media, content production for brands and many more.
Takeaway 1
The content revolves around executing effective marketing plans. Their blogs are crafted with vivid elements including quotes, gifs, tweets and real-content which makes them unique.
Website –
2. Loop
Proving to be a fully charged powerhouse for their digital campaigns – LOOP, a Salzburg-based Digital marketing agency is all set to push their Global reset button. The Global Reset is their new perspective towards catering marketing services meant for the new reality. With a challenging turnaround time of just 3 days – they have curated a concise PDF for all those whose businesses are suffering a burnout due to the Pandemic. The PDF confides a clear objective, what will their clients get, deliverable, costs, timeline and the benefits they can draw. It is a go-to marketing plan.
Takeaway 2
Talk – direct and clear with your clients instead of following the gibberish trend. They are anxious and they want a solution – so give them one. Period.
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3. Squiz
With current drawbacks – not only strategies but the tools and resources for online marketing used have changed too. Squiz has catered for more than 20 years to help enterprises scale up their Digital efforts. They have released tools and resources like simple Q&A chatbots, website alert banners, website templates and Web App (PWA). Their marketplace has got many components, extensions and apps to optimize websites.
Takeaway 3
As the COVID-19 is unfolding its unbearable impacts – they are ensuring health and safety with updated business continuity plans for their global network of customers and employees.
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4. Seer Interactive
Established in the year 2002, Seer Interactive is a Digital Marketing Agency that believes in ‘Whatever you do, do it well’ and they stand by it with their SEO, PPC and Analytics services.
They pulled-off an insightful guide to beat this global crisis. They have created a one-pot dish not just for their customers but also for teams to survive the current reality. From prioritizing precise budget cuts, maximizing efficiency, searching for free keyword tools, identifying bad ad placements, carrying out effective PPC Audits, determining Project profitability to keeping a close eye on website trends – they’ve caught every crucial-nerve.
Takeaway 4
It’s a go-to solution to innovate your digital marketing strategies. It’s a guide with a set of innovative principles to keep going and keep delighting the customers.
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5. Slingshot
Based in Austin – Slingshot is a Digital Marketing Agency which greets you as soon as you land on their website. Holding themselves to be collaborators, sidekicks and partners – they’re known for pushing up their sleeves to cap it all in a classy way. Their response to COVID-19 unfolded in the form of insightful articles that talked about the abrupt change in consumer behavior, addressing marketing plans, showing care towards customers and putting purpose before everything else.
Takeaway 5
Their way of pitching “Every Brand Has A Purpose” is so apt and cliché-proof – something which is every Digital Marketer’s need-of-the-hour.
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6. Ignite Visibility
A company kickstarted by two Digital Marketing crazies – John Lincoln and Krish Coughran spends a whopping 100 million in advertising each year.
While everyone else is busy making their version of Dalgona Coffee, Lincoln and his team have come up with a rescue plan – A six-step guide to redefining the possibilities of growth via Digital Marketing. A guide which talks about communication as the vital key in tackling this whole not-so-normal way of dealing with personal and professional lives. This guide also talks about revising your approach to providing a solution, dealing with the money-crunch, the ad-copies on your marketing mediums and most-importantly maintaining the VALUE as well as the QUALITY of your service.
Takeaway 6
The times are sensitive so offer more value than business. Let your customers know that you aren’t consumed in a black hole – keep pushing your care in every way possible. After all, we are dealing with humans.
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7. Traff1k D1g1tal
The Australia-based Digital Marketing Firm’s how to deal with COVID-19 is as unique as their placements of 1’s in their name. Their version is quite simple yet on-point. How? Firstly, their messaging ensures how they managed to move their teams from a typical 9-5 schedule office culture to a Work from Home setup. This has led them to minimize any disruptions or communications gaps when it comes to customer-servicing.
One unique point they penned was listing advisories and guidelines by Google MyBusiness, Facebook and LinkedIn to give their customers the most basic yet significant information they need for their business. Advising businesses to build a list of FAQs was quite on-point.
Takeaway 7
FAQs are the best ways to provide dedicated and customized solutions to your customers. They have truly given a purpose and value to their corporate morals.
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Also Read: How Russia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Success can Impact the Remote Working Culture
8. King Kong
No, we aren’t talking about the movie here, but a Digital Marketing Agency! (We all loved the movie though.) When was the last time you found a website which pumped up your love for Digital Marketing with a badass ad copy? A content which made you say – There you go! The times where every other copy ends with the word CORONA VIRUS or COVID-19, not many can bring up the charm and freshness to their content.
You’ll be flattered to find the landing page that claims about EXPLODING YOUR SALES IN THE NEXT 90 DAYS – to be exact. Imbibing 5 different ways with a strong CTA section – they’ll make you go for it.
Takeaway 8
You still can be creative, witty and spot-on – all at the same time!
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9. Highland Solutions
Highland Solutions is a Chicago-based Digital marketing firm – catering technology solutions to businesses ranging from small to community organizations since the past 20 years. Going by the word of the Company’s President – ‘We’re open for business’ – it seems obvious that they’ve got their remotely placed teams and Work from Home setups in place. With offers like a “Free two hours session to small business owners” and “A five-day research engagement program” reflects their people-first culture and passion to turn obstacles into opportunities.
Takeaway 9
Twitchiness and adrenaline rush might be there but when curiosity and transparency are your driving forces – not a damn thing can stop you.
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10. Devotion
A Sydney-based Digital Marketing agency’s ad-copy stating “It’s business (not) as usual” clearly marks their proactive approach in response to the COVID-19. A 3-minute read by Andrew Whitehead, Creative and Managing Director of Devotion walks you through the real-facts and impacts. As he boldly puts it – DEVOTION IS NOT IMMUNE, it cannot get any more precise. The statement is raw and refined. It states that even they have suffered budget cuts, projects being cancelled or put on stand-by mode and deadlines being disturbed. Ensuring their clients with business continuity, they’ve shared their insights making conversations more real via video chats, creating discipline for work setups, saying goodbye to all the noise and trusting each other.
Takeaway 10
The six key points in their messaging is something to ponder upon and which everyone would resonate with.
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11. Impressive
It’s very impressive of Impressive to have placed the COVID-19 highlighted form along with a CTA. It promises their clients to drive performance and out-run their competitors irrespective of bad times. With a cheesy offer of a FREE 30-minute strategy session to shape your business needs during COVID-19 is something that can’t be missed. Their punchline is simple and effective. Their offer is tailor-made and deliciously satisfying for all those craving for a great branding. Instead of over-reacting to how long it might take for this Pandemic to subside, they are focusing more on making the most of this time.
Takeaway 11
You can always make a little compromise with your pricing if it means retaining your existing clients and bagging new ones.
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12. Lamb
One common thing that every agency is buzzing about is how you are changing and amplifying your ad copies on the marketing material. You need to put it out smartly – because you don’t want to sound lame or blunt about the services and offers you have for them. LAMB VISION is what these guys like to call it. They have come up with a one-stop-shop for the latest Government regulations, health advice, science and stats. Their version of keeping Australians informed about COVID-19 through real-time data is appreciable. It is called their OFFICIAL SITUATION DASHBOARD for CORONAVIRUS. Topics include Dos and Don’ts, how to wash hands, preventive measures, symptoms and a list of businesses that are open and those which are closed.
Takeaway 12
Showcase your strengths and amplify them to gain your customers’ confidence.
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13. Bonfire
Campaign Brief WA addresses BONFIRE to be the Digital Agency of the year. With this Global Pandemic being around – this company has got its crew of researchers and data experts at work. The bright yellow colored ad copy stating “Differentiated by our DEPTH OF DATA” is unique. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? No wonder their approach has a tone of unique selling proposition. Their organic way of doing business is what makes them innovative in achieving desired outputs. Promising clients with a formula for success, adherence to technology, data-centric metrics and driven by people – they’re a ball of fire.
Takeaway 13
Their way of redirecting you towards their company’s core values and working principles will woo you.
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14. Beyond Definition
Beyond Definition has got its priorities set to deal with COVID-19. Instead of being judgmental about how Pandemic has driven the world to the edge – they have chosen to be optimistic. How? By working at full capacity and reforming new methodologies to move ahead. All thanks to their manpower who enjoys their new-essentials like WFH and social distancing as much as their not-so-old 9-5 work environment. They’ve talked beautifully about the power of unification in times of crises. From re-imagining events and conferences, futuristic social media strategies, good corporate citizenship and communicating with your audience using Facebook live – they’ve evaluated every parameter.
Takeaway 14
Pondering on an African Proverb – “To go fast, go alone, to go far, go together.” – they have managed to hold the right nerve.
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15. Wegacha
Wegacha – a Miami based agency is helping its entrepreneurs go easy with their stress-levels and thrive during these quarantines. The times when Work From Home is becoming the new normal – these people are ensuring to stay calm and let them handle their business like a pro. They have managed to introduce a range of COVID-19 packages for their services targeting small businesses.
Takeaway 15
Don’t push yourself to an extent that you go crazy beating the bush around. Instead, take a chill-pill and prepare a plan-of-action for your client’s business.
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How is Uplers supporting the community during COVID-19 situation?
We are lending a helping hand to the Digital Industry by providing assistance in EMAIL, LANDING PAGE, and BANNER worth $300 at ZERO COST. We believe that now is the time to capitalize in work cultures and innovative strategies rather than focusing on monetary profits. This would be our way of redefining the purpose of marketing and branding. It will be our digital endeavor to help industries in these bad times.
Final Word
Let’s face it, who would have anticipated that the onset of COVID-19 would end up with people facing the toilet-paper crisis. Literally – NOBODY!
This is the time where leadership needs to be in the driving seat. Leaders need to communicate care and concerns for both families – employees and clients. Time is a powerful thing, a great teacher. It teaches us to be kind, compassionate and purposeful – the one which imposes to be HUMAN first. It reminds us of our abilities to embrace change, believe in human-values and still win BIG.

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