5 Types of White Label Agency You Shouldn’t Hire

  • Kevin Oskow
  • April 23, 2019
  • 4 Minute Read
5 Types of White Label Agency You Shouldn’t Hire

The white-label market opens several doors of opportunities and unparalleled services that can take your business to the next level. Choose the right partner for white labelling and you can build brand awareness, expand your business, gain more clients and lots more. Choose the wrong one, and you may experience major setbacks.

This is why you need to put in a lot of thought and deliberation when you seek the agency. Remember, it is not about getting the best services, but getting consistent services that deliver the results for your brand or business.

So, what are the key pointers that you need to take into consideration when you want to work with these agencies or rather, what are the red flags that you need to watch out for?

We’re here to make the task easy for you with the following pointers:

1. Agencies That Are Not Transparent

One of the hallmarks of top white-label service agencies is that they are transparent with their clients. Ergo, they have nothing to hide be it the process they follow, the resources assigned to the projects, their expertise in different domains and most importantly, their physical addresses.

Without knowing the processes, you will be at sea as there will be no clarity about how the agency will work on your project. Similarly, when you are not clear about which team has been assigned and what their expertise is, you will not be able to measure how good they are for a project and will they be able to handle other projects of the same scale or not.

Not having a physical address is a different issue and a serious one at that. How will you find out whether the firm is not any other random business that can shut shop? It is a tell-tale sign of a lack of authenticity.

Reputable white-label service agencies have nothing to hide. They brief the clients about everything early on and even take them through a walk through of their entire processes. They also have web/social media presence and their addresses are updated and verified. This adds to their credibility and they are the ones you need to hire for your business.

2. Agencies Who Don’t Have Set Processes

When agencies don’t have any inkling about the processes they are going to follow for the projects, the steps to execute them, the roles team members will play, etc., the project management is only going to become messy and frustrating with time.

The thing is, delivering great solutions may be the core of the agency, but when their productivity is affected, the results are not delivered within the stipulated time frame. This leads to loss of time and money for the clients. And this is something that keeps happening with agencies, who want to rush into client acquisition and dive straight in without any proper strategy or methods in place.

What they don’t know is that implementing processes will ensure that the agency’s productivity remains stable and the output is provided without compromising on the deadline. This creates an impression on the clients as well. To cut a long story short, white label agencies should implement a set of processes, which will make it easy for them to come up with quality solutions.

When you are about to hire an agency, ask them about the processes they follow. If there is none, move on to the next one!

Read more about- Top Reasons to Start-with White Label Services

3. Agencies Without the Right/Enough Certifications

When you are all set to hire a white label agency, make it a point to check their certifications. This will help you learn how knowledgeable the firm is. Some of the top certifications that are universally recognized include but are not limited to – Google Partners, Facebook Marketing Partners, HubSpot Marketing Partner, SalesForce, Google Ad Words, etc. These certifications will make you feel that your project is assigned to the safest and secure people.

Firms that don’t have a single certification to their credit, may lack the quality standards, which are required to earn the coveted partnership labels. Also, it shows that they are doing enough or making the effort to achieve certifications. This is a sure-shot red flag and you need to skip these agencies when it comes to white labelling.

4. Agencies That Are Not One-Stop-Solution Providers

Agencies thrive on getting business from their clients. If they are serious about it, they will provide all possible solutions under the same roof. This makes it possible for you to avail of a wide range of services without running from pillar to post to recruit employees, freelancers or knocking on the door of another agency and spending a fortune in the process.

A professional full-service white label agency will keep up with the latest tools, techniques, and trends. Because of their updated knowledge in technology, they can help your brand or business save time, money and provide value. Their team will consist of skilled individuals who specialize in different areas of services and broad skill sets. This will enable them to provide solutions that are tailor-made for your business.

5. Agencies That Won’t Fulfill Your Scalable Requirements

Are you aiming at scalable growth by white label services? Do you want to expand your portfolio and would like a white label agency to help you expand? If your answer is affirmative, you will need to sign up with an agency that can streamline their internal operations and take scalability as a priority and not an afterthought. If the agency resists scaling, consider it a strict No.

Expert white label agencies will help scale your efforts up or down based on various factors including avant-garde products or seasonal trends.

To understand whether the agency has a capacity to fulfill your scalable requirements or not, discuss with them at length about the work you will have, the scope of work in the future, the rising demand of your customers and the availability of the resources. These are a handful of criteria that will help you make an informed decision. But you can always come up with your own list of factors to come to a conclusion about an agency.

These are some of the points you need to consider at the time of hiring white label agencies to meet your business needs and choose the best one. We have been at the helm of outstanding white labelling for several years and are confident about providing you the state-of-the-art solution.

Also Read: The 7-step process that’ll help businesses find the right white label partner

Kevin OskowLinkedin

VP - Client Success
Based in San Diego, Kevin takes ownership of the client success at Uplers as the VP. Along with being an aspiring pianist, a proficient communicator, and a hiking lover, he is highly experienced. With more than 2 decades of proven track record, he can proactively lead your marketing, web development, and client experience teams.