Myths Associated with Hiring a Dedicated Web Development Team

  • Kevin Oskow
  • January 2, 2020
  • 6 Minute Read
Myths Associated with Hiring a Dedicated Web Development Team

In the last few years, the IT sector has witnessed a significant aggregation in global business opportunities. It wondrously recognized the need for dedicated resources. Here, the offshoring and freelancing group up on the table to build the effective offshore dedicated web development team model. Let’s keep our eyes on the stats that say, 80% of the Fortune 500 companies depend on their offshore development teams for various operations.

How does Freelancing Differ from Dedicated Team Model?

It demystifies the need for efficient and quality resources. Freelancing is a service by a self-employed person to their clients. Freelancers usually charge on hourly, daily, or per job basis. These can be easily subcontracted by another enterprise.

On the other hand, Offshoring, when a company actively moves all or partial activities or offices to another region. It usually follows the decision to reduce its expenditure. Now, it is the question to decide between employing an in-house team or outsourcing a dedicated web development team, where the dedicated team models come out the winner.

Let’s Draw Differences:

Myths with dedicated development team

In today’s competitive market strategies, cost factor racks up enough importance. 45% of companies opt for outsourcing IT services to cut down on cost. The way you cut your operational cost mostly depends on how you employ your resources. Hence, it is better to walk along with the most needed perspective, outsourcing the development team. However, no matter how promising the dedicated team model seems, it still bears some myths. Let’s dive in to resolve them:

Most Common Myths Associated to Hiring Dedicated Web Development Teams

Myth 1. The Cold Air of Confusion Between the IT Team and Dedicated Development Team

There is a misconception that outsourcing development company may use a different procedure, which might violate the standard procedures created by the IT department of the company.

Reality: The managed dedicated model is created such that the development team you hire from your outsourcing service provider can be trained to follow your work methodologies and standards. The solutions designed and developed by the dedicated development teams are in accordance with the clients’ requirement and goals. So, a big no to any confusion. Even it accentuates and computes more compatibility with the client’s proposed blueprint.

The Cold Air of Confusion Between the IT Team and Dedicated Development Team


Myth 2. Frequent Customization Requests are Not Entertained

For developing scalable web solutions, you need frequent modifications. Therefore, again companies may metalize another common myth about it, not allowing frequent customization.

Reality: It has been quite overpowered with a fact that dedicated teams at outsourcing companies are well patronized with the current market needs of regular customization. Therefore, these companies are well prone to allow it to the point, it makes a quality product. Further, a dedicated team works in accordance with your requests, unlike the project outsourcing model, therefore you enjoy the same degree of control on the dedicated team as your in-house team.

Hire Pre-vetted & High Performance Remote Teams

Myth 3. Dedicated Resources Might Not Be Technologically Updated

A common well-addressed myth is the outsourcing development team maybe not technologically updated.

Reality: However, today, in the current state of methodology or technology, the offshore development teams introduces you with the latest updates of the technology industry. While hiring if you pay the pure attention towards the skill, critical thinking, and versatility of the team members, then learning new technology is no herculean task. Many companies allow you to add developers to your dedicated team according to their level of expertise and individual skills.

In fact, according to the Deloitte 2016 Global Outsourcing Survey, 78% of the respondents have had a good experience with their outsourcing providers.

Myth 4. Hiring a Dedicated Development Team is like Digging a Big Hole in My Pocket

Some business owners still give air to the myth that hiring dedicated teams swipes a heavy deal from your budget.

Reality: In tier 1 countries such as the US, UK, Europe, and Australia, the cost of hiring the resources is higher. For the companies, shying away due to budget limitations, tier 2 and tier 3 countries can provide the desired talent at less cost.

For example, the hiring cost for a skilled developer in the US is anywhere between $50 to $80 per hour. However, you may get the same skills from a developer in India for as low as $20 per hour. Making the comparative analysis, there are many cases when the scalability of hiring a dedicated web development team wins the battle over the in-house team.

Related FAQ: Is a Dedicated Development Team Worth the Cost?

Myth 5. The Time Gap Means a Lag in Productivity

Often perceived wrong, the time gap or the difference in time zones between the client and the hired dedicated team is considered to be the reason for a lag in productivity.

Reality: When opting for an offshore dedicated development team, businesses need to match their requirements according to the time-zone differences. However, the time-zone difference adds as a significant benefit more than a limitation. The 12-hour time difference between India and the U.S. makes India a preferred outsourcing location for U.S. businesses. Furthermore, a majority of offshore dedicated teams today are willing to work according to the client’s time-zone, to meet the highest level of coordination.

dedicated development team web development outsourcing myths

Myth 6. Offshore Dedicated Web Development Teams Does Not Provide Data Security

Some enterprises vocal about storing data locally to ensure their security. They unearth the fact that outsourcing leads to a breach in data security.

Reality: Contrary to the myth, outsourcing providers are employed into a much more secure structure for the clients’ data security. These companies invest a heavy amount in constituting a secured structure for data handling. Their future opportunities rely upon trustworthiness and rich client experience. So, they make sure to secure clients’ private data from unauthorized access and external factors.

Myth 7. Fading Away the Team Spirit of the Company

Hiring an offshore dedicated team is associated with a common myth that it will affect the team spirit of the in-house team.

Reality: When it comes to quality teamwork, active participation leads to an effective result. These days with concurrent development in competitive market strategies, dedicated team model hatches expected results. This model encourages the client’s personnel to actively participate in parallel to the developers during the entire development process. It ends up the remoteness along the process. Furthermore, the in-house team of the client’s company also feels designated for their outsourced work.

Myth 8. There are Distant Communication Barriers in Dedicated Web Development

In the current state of technology, it is more like a hoax. It means it can’t be claimed to have broken or less functional communication channels during these days.

Dedicated team advantages

Reality: Today, these outsourcing companies provide a collaborative communication system comprising email, instant messaging, shared calendar, and screen sharing etc. It engages the client’s team to stay updated. Hence, it withered away from the communication gap even with a remote solution.

What’s to be Believed

Finding the dedicated web development team is the best option for the startups and the enterprises who demand the scalability of the resources as per the demand. Apart from the above myths, there are many misconceptions, where some of them are beyond the scope of this article. Neither it exposes the risk of over budget nor lacks the talent. With Offshore, you may find the opportunity to search for new talented teams in the industry that you were struggling to find in-house.

IT is the synonym of innovation and therefore never be afraid of exploring new strategies!!hiring dedicated developers

Kevin OskowLinkedin

VP - Client Success
Based in San Diego, Kevin takes ownership of the client success at Uplers as the VP. Along with being an aspiring pianist, a proficient communicator, and a hiking lover, he is highly experienced. With more than 2 decades of proven track record, he can proactively lead your marketing, web development, and client experience teams.