Here’s How We Help NFPs and Their Communities
- Nital Shah
- November 15, 2019
- 2 Minute Read

Google – almost every living person in the world would have heard of it. Even your eighty-year-old grandma and three-year-old niece. The world’s most popular search engine is at the heart of a lot of companies’ marketing ploys, creating virtual libraries of their prized products and injecting steroids into their client databases.
It would come as no shock, then, that the almost twenty-year-old Google is very generously offering $10,000 USD from AdWords of in-kind advertising every month to not-for-profit organizations. Google AdWords is an online service developed by Google that allows advertisers to display brief ads, product listings and video content within the Google ad network. Advertisers normally pay for this function, but with the AdWords grant NFPs are able to advertise on the world’s biggest search engine, all expenses paid. This is with the aim of recruiting more volunteers, attracting more donations and sharing their stories with the whole world. Amazing, right? Wrong.
As Google’s philanthropic team adds it, you must be a registered NFP to avail the AdWords grant, under which the ads bear no cost to your organization. However, the AdWords grant possesses an issue for smaller not-for-profit groups. These NFPs generally lack digital knowledge, good budget and are unlikely to have a digital marketer onboard. Therefore, they neither can manage their AdWords account themselves, nor they can afford to hire a digital marketer.
This is where we at Uplers come in – to relieve that digital awkwardness most NFPs probably face. As a Sydney-based digital marketing agency, we provide SEO, SEM and Web services to businesses. To the digitally-unschooled people, this means that we will help you to engage with potential audiences, make it possible for people to ‘find you’ in the search engine and assist you with attracting the right audience.
Our digital experts have ingeniously created an initiative we call #GivingBackToCommunity. We utilise our skills to help NFPs manage their AdWords campaigns so that they get more bang for their hard-earned buck. As Nital Shah, the COO of Uplers, says, ‘if NFPs hire someone to manage it for them it will cost them a lot’. So, our solution is to offer across-the-board support for charities and manage the AdWords campaigns for NFPs for free. You read correctly – we want to help the organisations that help communities. Does this not make your heart flutter just a little? To know that there are still benevolent people out there, and not just people, but profitable organisations too.
We started this initiative back in 2015, and since have supported Sunnyfield, Sands, Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, Refugee Council of Australia, Heart Kids, Breast Cancer Network, Optometry Giving Sight, The Funding Network Australia and many more as beneficiaries. We helped these organisations achieve their goals in recruiting volunteers, raising funds and building a solid digital presence on Google. And now we are eager to continue our initiative and enlist more NFPs so that they too can benefit from this exceptional programme.

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